Hey guys. I got a NEC PC-8201A awhile back and I've had some trouble with

When I first got it, it to worked fine for a few minutes then the screen
blanked and it wouldn't respond. I tried a number of things including
replacing the internal battery but nothing seemed to work.

Later I heard of someone having trouble with a board because the flux from
their solder was shorting connections so I decided to open the 8201 and
clean up my work on the battery.
It started working again!!

I spent about a half hour tinkering with it when the contrast started to
fluctuate, then the screen faded out all together and now it won't display

Any ideas?

P.S. when the screen died I was trying to figure out why it wouldn't switch
between memory banks even though it had a full set of ram upgrade chips,
but that's secondary to the screen issue.


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