
I went to the Emily Harvey Foundation at the end of the mail art show "A Book 
About Death" with the mission to get a full set of
cards for John Bennet, and for Melissa, as they had asked me to. I thought I
might as well get a couple more sets, as someone else would want one. But I
forgot how many cards there were, I got down one row and realized I would not be
able to carry 4 sets, so I just got 2, one for John and one for Melissa. Then I
took all the rest of my own cards, and cards by 2 local friends.

There were only 5 people at the gallery, including Devin who works there. Viv
Maudlin was one of the people there, and she was smart to bring a suitcase with
wheels. She made a funny video of me in the elevator when we left. You guys saw
her other videos:

Well, I suppose she will post the one of me in the elevator later on....

Anyway, Just as I finished putting together my collection of cards, Devin said
the gallery had to close. There were hundreds and hundreds of cards left over. I
don't know what he is going to do with them.

I never made it to the Allan Kaprow opening, I had so many cards that was so
heavy, I had to take a taxi straight home.

- Tamara

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