Re: (",) new Ray Johnson item on e-bay vanity & resentment

2005-03-16 Thread kiyotei


I think the auction was meant in jest. Perhaps even Ray would have 
considered it to be funny. He was a bit of a trickster himself - no? 

The title states "from Ray Johnson" and the description states "to 
Ray Johnson." It does seem a bit misleading and I would caution the 
seller to read the fine print on eBay's TOS (terms of service). A 
warning or an outright ban from the site could be the result of a 
disgruntled buyer's complaint.

This is not the first time Ray has been spoofed on eBay though . . .
A mysterious person known as Rein Rein has consistantly offered 
items with Ray Johnson references.

I also enjoy trustworthiness where my wallet is concerned, but can 
also appreciate a sharp stick in the eye. Mail Art and its 
afficianados are an eccentric bunch and these type of pranks should 
be taken with a grain of salt. 

Caveat Emptor

- eshu's eyes 

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Re: (",) new Ray Johnson item on e-bay vanity & resentment

2005-03-16 Thread PARLLW

photocopy addnpass from Ray  Johnson
Please, People: What are your  opinions and judgments of the title on a piece 
of work auctioned on eBay under  this claim? 
photocopy addnpass from Ray  Johnson
I enjoy  trustworthiness in persons, pieces of paper, and in words.  Somehow 
the  Internet seems to encourage rankled people to communicate their 
resentments by  writing falsehoods.   "," I bet you think this song is 
about  you.  
Word History:  A persistent resentment, a festering sore, and a little  snake 
are all coiled together in the history of the word rankle. "A  little snake" 
is the sense of the Latin word dracunculus to which  rankle can be traced, 
dracunculus being a diminutive of  drac, "snake." The Latin word passed into 
French, as  draoncle, having probably already developed the sense "festering  
sore," because some of these sores resembled little snakes in their shape  or 
bite. The verb draoncler, "to fester," was then formed in Old  French. The 
noun and verb developed alternate forms without the d-,  and both were borrowed 
into Middle English, the noun rancle being  recorded in a work written around 
1190, the verb ranclen, in a work  probably composed about 1300. Both words had 
literal senses having to do  with festering sores. The noun is not recorded 
after the 16th century, but  the verb went on to develop the figurative senses 
having to do with  resentment and bitterness with which we are all too  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: (",) new Ray Johnson item on e-bay

2005-03-16 Thread kevin thurston

it (the work on ross' blog) is a Ruud Jannsen add-n-pass
i was commenting on work on ross' blog, not about anything to do with ray

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 18:41:36 -, kiyotei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm not sure this is actually 
>  a Ray Johnson article . . .
>  According to the Blog: BENTSPOON
>  >> entry dated 3/14/05
>  the blogger Ross Priddle indicates 
>  that this piece is 
>  an add & pass 
>  from Ruud Jannsen.
>  Is this an elaborate hoax
>  or an Al Qaeda plot to
>  disrupt the mailart network?
>  tune in next time on BlogTV!
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i'm like frank o'hara--without the friends

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Re: (",) new Ray Johnson item on e-bay

2005-03-16 Thread kiyotei

I'm not sure this is actually 
a Ray Johnson article . . .

According to the Blog: BENTSPOON

>> entry dated 3/14/05

the blogger Ross Priddle indicates 
that this piece is 
an add & pass 
from Ruud Jannsen.

Is this an elaborate hoax
or an Al Qaeda plot to
disrupt the mailart network?

tune in next time on BlogTV!

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Re: (",) new Ray Johnson item on e-bay

2005-03-16 Thread PARLLW

In a message dated 3/14/2005 2:20:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: dalichinsky's work is really nice//derek's xerox  
(i assume) after/for bp is fantastic too

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005  18:16:13 -, lophozia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about Johnson on  eBay:
>  _ 

So I looked.

Would or could someone play curator or librarian and describe or  catalogue 
the photocopy precisely, with perhaps a suggestion of a  date?  The difference 
between an original Ray Johnson and a photocopied Ray  Johnson is the 
difference between an original and a copy.  An original  copy needs to be 
annotated as 
much as an original anything.  The word  "xerox" is used generically, but 
when he had a grant of money, Ray rented a  Minolta copier.  Grays get greyed 
on some photocopiers more than  on others.  Surely people involved with 
mail-art, hors commerce, do  not want to commit the errors of sellers who blur 
facts?  Did Ray mail  this paper to anyone?  What is the evidence?  Did anyone 
add  anything?  What? when? where?  And my joke in 2005?  to take a  joke too 
I am aware of Canada, Eh, & from the $00.10 minimum bid,   Eh, that someone 
who disdains auctions of Johnsoniana, or  mail-art, is making a point, perhaps 
a Canadian joke about  incongruent quantities, or the error in putting a price 
on the  priceless.  After all, only today, in Canada's worst air disaster,  a 
two-seater Cessna 152 crashed into a cemetery early this morning in central  
Newfoundland.  Search and rescue workers have recovered 829 bodies so far.   
Bill Wilson (who stopped for a few minutes in Medicine  Hat in 1947) 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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