Over the last few days, my poor little mac book has locked up several  
times.  It has happened several times when iTunes was working.  But at  
least once while Clam X was looking for a virus.  There is no spiny  
pinwheel or anything.  It just stops.  Keyboard and mouse (trackpad)  
just quit working.  No command/alt/esc combo.  Nothing.  Once it  
restarted on its own, but more often, I have to hold down the power.   
When I had a PC, this was rather common, but in 6 years of macs, I  
have never had to do this.  This came about after the latest security  
update.  Has anyone else had this issue?  Any hints?


The next Louisville Computer Society meeting will
be October 28 at MacAuthority, 128 Breckinridge Lane. 
Posting address: MacGroup@erdos.math.louisville.edu
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