How many have ever wondered about what to call our beloved "Command" key symbol, used on all Mac keyboards up until Apple dropped it in 2007?

Found this little tidbit in Wikipedia[1] and thought it fun:

When used in conjunction with computing the symbol is commonly given nicknames such as '"cloverleaf", "splat", "splodge", "overpass", "butterfly", "squiggle", "beanie", "flower", "cauliflower", "curly- do", "propeller" or "shamrock". Sometimes when used in conjunction with a Hot Key it is called "twiddle". Some believe the symbol to be named the "infinite loop", which is also the address for Apple world headquarters: 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014.

As it turns out the symbol has a heritage dating back to pre-Christian Europe, and most recently Scandinavian--until Apple co-opted it and gave it a new life.

Still don't think I could ever call it a "twiddle," though.



Jonathan Fletcher
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