My new job is one where I call on lots and lots of people and make contacts for 
future calls.  I have to follow up with a myriad of details. It is an absolute 
must to keep it all organized. Back in the day I had sheets for Todo forms and 
they worked so good. Really simple columns:  RANK  DATE  ITEM  COMPLETED.  The 
largest column of course was the item column. I could scratch them off and be 
done with it at the end of the day. Or if not totally completed, it was the top 
sheet of the next day's and was soon scratched all the way off and discarded. 
Was simple, and it worked.  Now in this digital age I need something that is 
like that, across iPhone, iPad and my MBP.  Room for notes maybe like mileage 
and the like when I am out on the road.  I can't keep doing this with backs of 
business cards and scraps of paper and napkins.  I have looked at several 
things in the APP Store and none seem to meet my needs.  And I read the reviews 
and I don't want to buy anything.  Is there some plug in for Evernote?  Should 
I design my own with Numbers or Pages? Or should I just use my old printed 
version?  Sales people what are you using?  There has got to be something out 

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