
Sunday, June 6, 20108:10 PMAnne

>I, too have been getting email from this address.
>I Googled "" and here's what I got. Surprise, right
>out of the MacGroup archives (
>Re(2): MacGroup: Lombard Wake from Sleep
>Harry Jacobson-Beyer
>Sun, 7 Sep 2003 13:25:51 -0400
>Try hitting the poweron key.
>Sunday, September 7, 20038:28 AMJanice Weberkyjweber at
>>I had the same problem with my Wallstreet.  I shut the lid (which puts 
>>it to sleep) and then open it and hit a key and it wakes up.
>>Been doing this since I got it - always thought it was just a quirk.
>>On Saturday, September 6, 2003, at 10:57  PM, IamTehMonkay at 
>>> I have the 1999/Bronze/ombard PowerBook and whenever I wake up from 
>>> sleep in OS 9.2.2... it doesn't, the hard drive spins up but the 
>>> screen doesn't come on, i've tried respetting the PMU and PRAM, 
>>> neither help, anyone got anything?
>>I had the same problem with my Wallstreet.  I shut the lid (which puts it
>>to sleep) and then open it and hit a key and it wakes up.
>>Been doing this since I got it - always thought it was just a quirk.
>>On Saturday, September 6, 2003, at 10:57  PM, IamTehMonkay at wrote:
>>I have the 1999/Bronze/ombard PowerBook and whenever I wake up from sleep
>>in OS 9.2.2... it doesn't, the hard drive spins up but the screen doesn't
>>come on, i've tried respetting the PMU and PRAM, neither help, anyone got
>| The next meeting of the Louisville Computer Society will
>| be September 23. The LCS Web page is <>.
>| This list's page is <>.
>I assume that next meeting was September 23, 2003!
>Anne Cartwright
>On Jun 5, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Harry Jacobson-Beyer wrote:
>I keep getting email from this email address
>The emails are also sent to the usergroup listserve but they show up in
>my spam.
>So is this anyone's email address on the listserve?
>Is anyone else getting emails from this person?

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