In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Blakeley) wrote:

> It's probably time that SourceForge had a Carbon Perl Modules 
> project, feeding into CPAN.

Yep!  One already exists.

> But I'm a relative novice at XS, and even 
> more ignorant of Carbon, so I'm hoping that some more capable 
> developers will have time and interest, too. Are the MacPerl 
> developers still uninterested, as suggests?

Why do you say we are uninterested?  The page clearly says the opposite!  
Read again:

# It would be nice to, at some point, have the Toolbox modules
# (Mac::Windows, Mac::Events) Carbonized so the same GUI-based MacPerl
# programs would run on both platforms. This may happen in the future.

The fact is that we are very interested, and have already begun the 

The short story is that Matthias Neeracher has begun planning the 
Mac::Carbon module.  The plan is to port the existing Mac:: toolbox 
modules to use the new module, so they are primarily pure-perl frontends 
to the new module.  I don't know if he's got any code started yet, 
though I've stated that, as time permits, I want to start working on it 
when MacPerl is released (any day now).  I know a lot of people want it, 
and I do too, so I want to get it going ASAP.

So all that said, I've not done any work on patches to the existing 
Mac:: modules for Carbon compatibility, since it looks like we're going 
a different way, as described above.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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