I'd really like to reiterate the suggestion to try JEdit. It used to have some problems on OS X, but in 4.2 Final they are cleared up. It has everything with the SFTP, multi-file search/replace with regex (better than BBEdit's in IMO), and all that fancy stuff, the only thing it doesn't currently have to my knowledge is the ability to execute a script from the program. However, with it's plugin architecture I believe this will come in the future.

Other than JEdit, my other choice would be KDE's KATE (K Advance Text Editor). (This may now be Quantra, I don't know). Excellent syntax highlighting control, integrated command line, a nice file browser (good for looking at logs quickly), The only problem is I don't know how to put it on a Mac, but I'm sure it can be done. If anyone knows how to do this or can point me to the right documentation it'd be much appreciated.

That's my 2 cents.


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