please forgive the really daft question, but have done
a complete server shutdown and restart?

I've come across bus errors before where a complete
server restart made the problem go away and never come


 --- Brian Dimeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Sorry for cross-posting this, but i think it applies
> to both groups.
> I'm trying to write a mod_perl script (for PerlRun)
> that will present an 
> online interface to my Mac OS X Address Book. Using
> the standard method 
> of connecting to the glue (new Mac::Glue 'Address
> Book') doesn't work; 
> the webserver complains about not being able to
> connect to a window 
> server. So, I'm using Remote Apple Events instead
> (yes, I remembered to 
> turn them on in System Preferences):
> my $book = new Mac::Glue 'Address Book',
>       eppc => 'Address Book',
>       'mac8.local' # hosts both the webserver +
> addressbook
>       undef, undef, # uid & pid omitted
>       'Mac8', 'mypass' # Mac8 is the Admin user & owner
> of addressbook
> This line apparently causes the server child process
> to exit:
> [Fri Jan 14 11:02:40 2005] [notice] child pid 6070
> exit signal Bus error 
> (10)
> However, it works if I run it in a Terminal window
> (the remainder of the 
> script successfully prints out a list of address
> groups). It even works 
> when run in a Terminal window in a different,
> non-admin user account, as 
> long as I include the admin username and pass, as
> above.
> So, does anyone know why it's causing a "bus error"
> when I try to run it 
> in the webserver? Is there a workaround?
> Brian

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