On Aug 22, 2004, at 11:16 AM, Rick Frankel wrote:

I am trying to open a non-modal NSOpenPanel. As a simple test, I
modified the CamelBones FileViewer:

$openPanel- >beginForDirectory_file_types_modelessDelegate_didEndSelector_contextIn fo(
$self->{'_openPath'}, '', $fileTypes, $self,
'openPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:', undef

When invoked, the panel flashes on screen and disappears. It does not
invoke the end selector.

Have you tried passing undef as the 'file' argument? The docs say that it should either be the filename that is selected by default, or nil. An empty string is passed as exactly that, an NSString object with a length of zero; to pass nil, pass undef from Perl.


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