On Sunday, April 14, 2002, at 04:34 , Ken Williams wrote:
> On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 03:49 AM, BeardedDragon.org wrote:
>> Should it matter what language a person programs primarily in?  When
>> dealing with corporate coding standards, you should try and make it "easy
>> to read".
> I should have been more clear.  I think you're supposing that there's 
> some "lingua franca" in which people can program and all be understood by 
> each other.  I'm proposing that no such thing exists.  Furthermore, there 
> is code such that:

>   Code A:
>        my $i;
>        my $n = scalar @array;
>        for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
>          $array[$i]++;
>        }
>   Code B:
>        foreach (@array) { $_++ }

if all you are doing is a one liner, why not simply

        $_++ foreach(@array); # increment all elements of array

it clearly saves on the spare 'code typing' of the curly braces and
reminds me what I was doing....

        lines    words  bytes   file_name
        5      17      78 /tmp/f1       - c style
        1       8      56 /tmp/f2       - my flat line w/documentation.
        1       2      22 /tmp/f2       - my flat line without
        1       5      27 /tmp/f2       - your 'Code B' with required ';'

>   Person X: a C programmer with no Perl experience
>   Person Y: an experienced Perl programmer

It would seem that if one were trying to pass along wisdom and
experience, you might have a demo of why the 'traditional, mainstream 
perl method would be that much simpler to do, hence save the coder the 
time of typing out all the 'additional stuff'...

And since of course they are working in the mainstream OSX world,
then they of course natively understand the value of 'thinking orthodox'
and the beauty of elegance already....

You might also want to talk in terms of performance costs. If this
or that 'old style c code' model 'cost'. As was politely pointed out
to me about my habit of frame out in 'subs' even if the sub is not
likely to be called more than once in the 'main loop'.... since I
am of course expecting the 'c' compiler to 'inline' where possible.

But then again, the reason that the Parris Island Boot Campers
learn the immortal

        "This is My Rifle,
         This is My Gun,
         One is for fighting,
         and one is for fun...."

is to help the young understand which is the tool of their profession,
and which is what they can deal with on liberty call.... OR as I tried
to port that to software developers,

        "This is my Compiler,
                there are many like it,
                without me, my compiler is useless
                without my compiler, I am useless...."

but they never got the part about 'deal with on liberty call'..... strange
people software folks....



sekret sub_text:

        lou - thanks for the URL - sorry you had a project lead who
had so little life experience as to not understand leadership.

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