On Sunday, April 14, 2002, at 06:21 , Bill -Sx- Jones wrote:

>> --boring, cautious, obvious over commented code--
> Nothing wrong with being OVERLY cautious, especially if YOU expect to
> understand why you did what you did months or years later.
> I wrote a quick hack once to fix a short term problem - three years later
> that code is STILL in use :(   I can still hear them mumbling, late at
> night, when the moon is full...

the good news - it was written in perl
        { have you ever tried to provide name space integrity with say
                a /bin/sh library of functions with more than 8 coders? }

the information - management underestimated the duration of the project.

general rule of thumb,

        If you scribble it,
                It will be in the next release
                code like you will have to maintain it at Oh-Dark-Hundred
                        on a vt52 dial up with only sed as your editor....



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