
I have a project that may use 'star' ( pronounced 'eestar' )
that will need to work on a Solaris, BSD, Linux, and maybe Mac OSX,
so of course I want to solve the problem on my Mac first
and then take that back to linux, et al.

So my questions are

a. has anyone built 'star' on OSX? the star-1.4.3 tar
has notes but they are talking about OSX 10.1 and
I am running 10.3.2

b. is anyone useing any of the 'alpha' star-1.5.X versions?
on mac OSX?

c. has anyone used the star 'dump' features that are
experimental, and if so, any advice?

d. does anyone know of any pre-existing 'dump tools'
that would allow for a simple sub-stitution of the
underlying 'dump' with star? Or should I just re-hack
my old perl code which works mostly well enough?

Or is there a specifica 'dump/backup' and Mac OSX
mailing list/web-site that this should be addressed to?

My core hope is that since this is not a part of the
core 'money making' "proprietary" portion of the Project
that it will be 'open sourceable' as soon as it is
stable enough to be presentable in polite society.



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