On Nov 17, 2010, at 7:44 PM, John Stalberg wrote:

>>>>> On my system, Exposé instantly exits back to the active application
>>>>> window. If you press and hold the Exposé key on an Apple keyboard, Exposé
>>>>> works normally (but the bug occurs if you tap the Exposé key and release
>>>>> it). Exposé also sometimes works properly on the 4th or 5th attempt, and
>>>>> when it does work, it usually works for several subsequent attempts, but
>>>>> then Exposé begins to fail again.
>> Expose/Spaces is far from a solid product.  The bug that hits me daily is 
>> that sometimes after issuing the next- or previous-space key combination, 
>> the OS stops listening to the keyboard entirely (except for more next- or 
>> previous-space key combinations, which is the only thing it will see).  This 
>> is accompanied by the mid-screen space-switching icon not fading away (you 
>> can make it fade by mousing on the menu bar Spaces icon).  The only sure 
>> method of getting the keyboard back is to sleep and wake, which is a total 
>> pain.  I have Parallels configured always to launch in space 5, and just 
>> invoking Parallels when not already in space 5 triggers this behavior more 
>> than half the time.  Lots of people have reported this bug, but Apple has 
>> been silent about it.
> Another one is: the cmd + tab to switch application show the row of apps and 
> things look as supposed but when we reached the  application of choise and 
> release the cmd key it fails to make the switch and leaves us were we 
> started. A fix is to switch Spaces off and back on again and this makes me 
> believe it is a Spaces bug?

One I see every so often is when I hold command and press and release tab, but 
the app selector just keeps rotating around the list as if I am still holding 
tab down.  No amount of pressing and releasing tab will stop it, you have to 
release command and start over.

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