On May 29, 2019, at 06:21, Rajdeep Bharati wrote:

> On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 1:12 AM Rainer Müller wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, where does this screenshot come from?
> It's present in the UI: https://nine.buildbot.net/#/about 

>> To me it looks like all of these (minified) JavaScript libraries and
>> also FontAwesome are already included in the release tarball. You do not
>> need to create ports for these, the software will use the included copies.
> I didn't understand how it would use the included copies.

buildbot-www is a web server. It presumably knows that it should serve files 
from the static directory. index.html presumably includes styles.css and 
scripts.js, and styles.css presumably references the fonts and images.

> $ tar xf buildbot-www-2.3.1.tar.gz
> $ $ tree buildbot-www-2.3.1/buildbot_www/static
> buildbot-www-2.3.1/buildbot_www/static/
> ├── d3.min.js
> ├── fonts
> │   ├── FontAwesome.otf
> │   ├── fontawesome-webfont.eot
> │   ├── fontawesome-webfont.svg
> │   ├── fontawesome-webfont.ttf
> │   └── fontawesome-webfont.woff
> ├── img
> │   ├── favicon.ico
> │   ├── icon.png
> │   ├── icon.svg
> │   ├── icon16.svg
> │   └── nobody.png
> ├── index.html
> ├── scripts.js
> ├── styles.css
> └── tests.js

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