On 2017-8-5 07:14 , db wrote:
On 4 Aug 2017, at 22:58, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote:
Suppose a port is built on the buildbot. The user is 'buildbot' and so the 
value of $user_home will be something like '/Users/buildbot'.

During testing I didn't thoroughly checked that env var there. I suppose, it 
could be deleted or set to nil and left to the user to set it himself. As I 
said, I wrote the port for me, and uploaded it for others to test, as I 
couldn't figure out a (better) way to set it in the startup item and didn't 
find documentation on how macports would handle this case.

I don't think there is a good way to do it if the user's home directory must be encoded into the plist. But I suspect that is not the case, and Rainer has mentioned a good alternative in the ticket.

- Josh

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