Hello all,

I'm trying to build the 'svn' PECL package (Subversion bindings for PHP) and
running into some problems which I think may be MacPorts related.  I've
installed the dependencies (PHP 5.2.3 running under apache2, apr 1.2.9,
apr-util 1.2.8, and subversion 1.4.3) all from MacPorts and managed to build
the svn module, but when I try to load it from within a PHP script with dl()
I get the following in my apache error log:

dyld: NSLinkModule() error

dyld: Symbol not found: _empty_string

 Referenced from: ./lib/svn.so

 Expected in: flat namespace

[Sun Jul 22 11:15:20 2007] [notice] child pid 4641 exit signal
Trace/BPT trap (5)

I tried contacting the developers of the module, but it was nothing they had
seen before, and they suggested it might be a problem with one of the
packages I'd installed from MacPorts (my bug report about it to them is
here: http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=11667&edit=2).

Any ideas or leads would be greatly appreciated!


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