I'm running OS X 10.9.2 with macports 2.2.1 and hit a problem with
'port build' invoking a port's "./configure" script and having
"test -w /var/tmp" fail.

I modified the configure script with some debug statements and
realized it was running with user "macports" and group "macports":
:info:configure + /usr/bin/id -g -n
:info:configure macports
:info:configure + /usr/bin/id -g -nr
:info:configure macports
:info:configure + /usr/bin/id -u -n
:info:configure macports
:info:configure + /usr/bin/id -u -nr
:info:configure macports

I also verified that it could write to /var/tmp even though the test -w
was failing:
:info:configure + ls -dl /var/tmp
:info:configure drwxrwxrwt  8 root  wheel  272 May 10 16:12 /var/tmp
:info:configure + test -w /var/tmp
:info:configure + echo 1
:info:configure 1
:info:configure + rm /var/tmp/zz1
:info:configure + touch /var/tmp/zz1
:info:configure + ls -l /var/tmp/zz1
:info:configure -rw-r--r--  1 macports  wheel  0 May 10 16:12 /var/tmp/zz1

To simplify variables in play, I wrote a trivial program to do what
the shell is doing, running access("/var/tmp", W_OK), and that it
failed returning -1 with errno set to EPERM(1) (for reference,
program at end of mail):
:info:configure + /tmp/acc
:info:configure access = -1 1
:info:configure + echo 1
:info:configure 1

However, trying to emulate the problem outside of the 'port build'
environment didn't work:
$ ls -dl /var/tmp
drwxrwxrwt  8 root  wheel  272 May 10 17:09 /var/tmp
$ sudo -u macports -g macports /bin/sh -c 'test -w /var/tmp;echo $?'
$ sudo -u macports -g macports /tmp/acc
access = 0 0

Both succeeded just fine.

Any ideas why under "port build" access(2) returns EPERM on "/var/tmp"
and how best to resolve this problem?


=== acc.c ===
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

        int     ret = access("/var/tmp", W_OK);
        fprintf(stderr, "access = %d %d\n", ret, errno);
        return ret ? 1 : 0;
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