Heads up! For users who want MacPorts to "just work" I recommend not upgrading 
to macOS 12.3 (or the beta of it that is already out) for awhile, because it 
will remove /usr/bin/python, upon which many ports probably still rely. Stick 
with macOS 12.2 or earlier until we've had a chance to notice and fix these 

If you're willing to endure some temporary breakage and help us resolve these 
issues, then upgrade to 12.3 when it's out (or to the beta now if you're 
particularly adventurous) and report any issues you find, especially problems 
resulting from /usr/bin/python being missing. Sending a pull request that fixes 
the problem (for example by having the port use MacPorts python27 or newer 
instead) would be the most helpful. If you are interested in contributing in 
this way and need help with how to fix a particular port, write to the 
macports-dev mailing list.

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