MacRuby's macgem doesn't support native gems (i.e. Nokogiri and Mechanize) at this time. Thus, the same problem will occur usually earlier versions of the gem.

Good luck,


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 26, 2009, at 7:00 PM, Jarrad Hope <> wrote:

Hey Guys

First off, Id like to say im loving macruby, its awesome.

The story starts after having some issues with webkit and cookie
sharing ive decided to roll back to good ole trusty mechanize.
and thus my journey with macgem begins.

terminate called without an active exception
Abort trap

The end.

I read somewhere that its not possible due to dependancies (nokogiri)
so i thought maybe i could roll back to the pure ruby version of it...
i think was 0.8.5 - 0.8.3 ??

$sudo macgem install mechanize --version 1.8.5
ERROR:  could not find gem mechanize locally or in a repository


$ sudo macgem install --local mechanize-0.8.5.gem
terminate called without an active exception
Abort trap

I tried with 1.8.3, no cigar...
little help?
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