Hi All;

I'm forwarding this note with updated info which allows people to send comments 
via email.

Please get involved as it just doesn't get any easier than this!…


Cara :)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mika Pyyhkala <pyyhk...@gmail.com>
Date: September 29, 2010 4:55:49 PM PDT
To: viph...@googlegroups.com
Subject: URGENT: Updated Information & Detailed Instructions FCC Cell Phone 
Accessibility Comments Due Thu 9/30 Agency Now Accepting Comments By Email
Reply-To: viph...@googlegroups.com

The comment filing instructions are also on the web page:

Each section of this email is separated by ###

Over the past 2 days or so I have gotten a bit more information on the
specific nuts and bolts of the procedures that should be used to file
FCC comments regarding mobile phone accessibility.  Hot off the
presses, is that a senior manager at the FCC has now authorized
official comments to be filed and received via standard email messages
because some consumers have had difficulty working with the official
FCC Electronic Comment Filing System ECFS.  This message first
contains detailed comment filing instructions, and then provides a
detailed account of items you may wish to address in your comments.

###Detailed Comment Filing Instructions
Method 1: FCC Express Electronic Comment Filing System
This comment filing method is best suited for individuals submitting comments.
*Access the web site:

*Look for the text that says
"If the docket you're looking for is not listed,"
and then click on the link called
"Click Here to manually enter the docket number on the upload page";

*Enter the following proceeding number when prompted:

*Enter your contact information, type in or paste your comments, and
press the continue button;

*follow any other instructions on subsequent screens to complete your

Method 2: File Comments by email
*Compose a standard email message addressed to either

*Include the docket number in your subject line:

*Include your comments either in the text body of your email or as an
attached Microsoft Word 97/2000/2003 or PDF file;

Method 3: FCC Electronic Comment Filing System This system allows you
to upload a file attachment, such as a Microsoft Word
97/2000/2003 or PDF file, in order to submit comments.

*Access the web site:

*Click on the link called
Submit A Filing

*Enter the following proceeding number:

*Fill in the contact details, and other questions requested on the form.
Specify the file(s) you want to upload, and press the Continue button;

*Follow any subsequent instructions on next screens to ensure your
filing is recorded.

###Ideas for comments on Mobile Phone Accessibility for the Blind
Dozens or hundreds of pages of material have been written that might
give you ideas and perspective on what to say in your comments.  Your
own real life stories are also invaluable.  I for example include a
real life story at the end of this message.

Some items to consider addressing in your individual or affiliate comments
*How accessible on a wide range of devices, especially entry level and
prepaid phones, is sms text messaging to the blind?  Had the
telecommunications industry embraced accessibility such that these
types of features are available on a broad spectrum of devices
including inexpensive handsets?  If you have 100 or 1,000 blind people
in a room how many can text, let alone used advanced features on their
cell phones?  By the way, sms text messaging is something that has
been available to the public at large for many years, and is no longer
considered a cutting edge or advanced feature in the industry;

*How well has the mobile telecommunications ecosystem addressed the
cost of accessibility?  Should device manufacturers be passing on the
costs of accessibility to blind consumers who have a 70% unemployment
rate?  Or like Apple, should the device manufacturer assume the
accessibility r&d and implementation cost?
###Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Inaccessible To the Blind *Are you aware
that in October 2010 Microsoft will release a platform called Windows
Phone 7 This platform strives to compete with the likes of Apple iOS
eg iPhones, Blackberry devices, Android devices, etc.  Microsoft has
indicated that Windows Phone 7 will not have out-of-the-box
accessibility, and furthermore, it has not been developed in such a
way as to allow 3rd party access technology screen reader developers,
like CodeFactory or Nuance, to add accessibility to the platform.  The
net result is that blind Americans will be excluded from the
opportunity to participate and experience Windows Phone 7.  Commenters
might suggest that the FCC take enforcement action against Microsoft
for its fflagrant disregard and negligent behavior as it relates to
nonvisual access for people who are blind, or deaf blind in the
development of this operating system and related hardware devices.
###Relaxed Apple App Development Standards May Cause Accessibility To
Decrease *Did you know that in September 2010, Apple significantly
relaxed restrictions in place as to what software development tools
can be used to produce so-called iOS applications.  The prior in place
required software development tools largely had out-of-the-box
accessibility components such that most applications would work with
VoiceOver via speech or refreshable Braille.  Among other tools, Apple
will now allow Adobe Flash as a development platform for makers of
applications.  Commenters may wish to suggest that the FCC mandate
accessibility with in current and emerging so-called application
stores or marketplaces.  All major platforms have these marketplaces
including Apple, Android, BlackBerry, and likely Microsoft Windows
Phone 7 ###Google, Device Manufacturers Turn Off Android Accessibility
T-Mobile HTC *Did you know that Google allows mobile carriers to tweak
and modify the operating system and user interface on Android
handsets.  Recently, T-Mobile in the US released an HTC Android cell
phone.  T-Mobile requested that HTC tweak the Android operating system
such that the accessibility features were not available to consumers.
These disservice consumers had to spend large amounts of time
navigating the bureaucracy of the telecommunications mobile ecosystem,
namely interfacing with T-Mobile and HTC.  Neither T-Mobile or HTC
addressed the accessibility shortcoming, and wireless carrier T-Mobile
by its 1st level agents attempted to rigorously enforce contract terms
on the disenfranchised class of consumers who were negatively impacted
by the carrier and manufactuers lack of regard for blind and deaf
blind Americans.
The FCC could promulgate regulations to disallow carriers and device
manufacturers from turning off accessibility features in the future.
The FCC should also reprimand HTC and T-Mobile, and ensure that these
entities follow the proposed regulations.
###Major Accessibility Issues On Nokia Devices *Did you know that
Nokia produces a number of handsets including the Nokia
N86 which is one device that powers the KNFB Reader?  Many aspects of
the user experience on modern Nokia mobile phone handsets are
inaccessible by nonvisual means.  For example, when a blind or deaf
blind consumer unboxes a device like a Nokia N86 from the factory,
there is no nonvisual access to the setup procedure.  Similarly, the
PC Suite software which is essential to use the device fully has
largely not been accessible to pc screen readers.
Nokia also has a store where consumers can buy applications and other media.
The store is not accessible even with 3rd party screen readers such as
Talks or Mobile Speaks.  Finally for a long time the email client on
the Nokia N86 and similar devices was not accessible via nonvisual
means.  This meant that business professionals and consumers who are
blind could not access key features of the phone that sighted users
take for granted.  Nokia has failed to address these major and
substantial accessibility issues in their products.  Nokia has been
made aware of these issues, and has failed to substantively address
these issues.  The FCC should initiate an enforcement action against
Nokia for its wantan, negligent, and flagrant disregard of blind, and
deaf blind consumers who require nonvisual means to access these kinds
of devices and platforms.  Nokia has failed to either provide an
out-of-box fully accessible platform such as the Apple model, and it
has failed to work with 3rd party screen reader developers to ensure
that blind and deaf blind consumers can fully utilize the devices.

###Google Android Accessibility
While some individuals have worked on nonvisual accessibility to
Google Android devices, the devices remain largely inaccessible by
typical blind consumers.  Only savvy technology users have been able
to gain access to parts of the Android experience.  The nonvisual user
experience has been articulated as similar to trying to access Lenux.
Clearly the strategy that Google, carriers, and related device
manufacturers have employed has nott produced a sufficient and
meaningful nonvisual user experience.  The FCC must compel Google,
device manufacturers, and carriers to establish tangible accessibility
to the Android platform quickly, and quickly doesn't mean 10 years
from now.

###Do Blind People Just Want Access To Old and Boring Features?
It is worth noting that, sometimes, carriers and device manufacturers,
including but not limited to Nokia,  trumpet very basic accessibility
features.  For example, spoken caller id, or a phone speaking the
numbers that a user dials.  The fact is that blind and deaf blind
consumers don't just want access to old and boring features that were
standard in the year 1999.  Blind and deaf blind consumers have an
inherent civil right to enjoy the full breath and depth that current
and future mobile phone platforms currently do and will offer in the
future.  This includes, but is not limited too, full nonvisual access
to basic calling features, phone management, phone menus, full contact
management, web browsing, application marketplaces, applications
provided by carriers, applications provided by 3rd party developers,
media consumption services provided by the 2 aformentioned provider
groups, etc.  Again, this is not an exhaustive list.
The list may sound long, however, this is the access that the general
public enjoys and frankly takes for granted.  I want to update my
Facebook status, Twitter status, share music and other media, download
podcasts, produce podcasts, find nearby restaurants, and get walking
directions just as much as I want to use the phone to make calls.
###How Nonvisual Mobile Device Accessibility Is Achievable This type
of nonvisual accessibility is also achieveable.  The reason we have
not moved forward much since 1996 is that carriers and device
manufacturers have failed to devote sufficient resources to nonvisual
access to their products and services.  The industry has made
disingeneous claims that accessibility is not achievable.  The entire
telecommunications ecosystem has not embraced nonvisual access and
accessibility in to their corporate culture and corporate DNA at every
level of their organizations from the CEO, their research and
development efforts, standars for device manufacturers, right down to
entry level sales and service staff.

The telecommunications ecosystem and related industry should really
take a page out of Apple's playbook.  Apple is the only device
manufacturer that I am aware of that takes accessibility seriously,
and which provides consumers with a steady stream of positive
innovations.  Apple regularly and meaningfully participates in
consumer and accessibility industry trade shows.  The Boston Apple
Store proactively reaches out to the blind community to foster a
mutually beneficial positive relationship, and has devoted resources
in its training programs who specialize in the built in VoiceOver
nonvisual accessibility screen reading function.  I often read that
Apple hires accessibility engineers, testers, and others to ensure its
products are accessible.  Apple includes full nonvisual accessibility
functions, not just a few  old and boring basic features, in all its
current iPhones at no additional cost to blind consumers!  The
National Federation of the Blind presented an award to Apple at our
2010 national convention for their trailblazing efforts in
meaningfully and tangibly recognizing our technology civil rights.  I
can update my Facebook status, check in to FourSquare, buy music from
iTunes, order a taxi electronically, look up and modify travel
reservations, syncranize corporate Microsoft Exchange data, review
nearby tweets on Twitter, or send a picture of something I need
recognized to an innovative iOS application like OMobie.  I can do all
this because Apple takes nonvisual accessibility seriously!

Other developments that the FCC can consider as proof of concept that
full nonvisual accessibility is achieveable include but are not
limited to closed captioning in televisions, the wide deployment of
talking automatic teller machines, and the use of nonvisual accessible
Kiosks at Amtrak which like an ATM provide a spoken user interface for
blind consumers.

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