Hello Lew, for the record, and as a note to others here, I not only appreciate 
off-list support but encourage such support.

While this list is an excellent place to share information and ideas for 
working with the Mac and Apple products in general, certain situations can 
greatly benefit and more easily be handled in a private, one-on-one 

What is not helpful is listers posing as moderators. This only succeeds in 
muddying the waters here and in worst cases, can also cause or contribute to 
arguments and/or flaming. This is not appropriate here.

Lew, to yourself and others, whom are experienced in moderating other lists or 
as listers here; -this is something I'm sure you're already familiar with. So 
this should make good sense to you…

So once again, if people would like to increase the helpfulness of this list, 
please do feel free to participate here as you all already do, and should you 
need to follow up with someone or offer more specific personalized support that 
you feel may not be something that every lister here may not need or benefit 
from, then by all means please do get in touch off the list.

This includes critiques or problems you may have with people here. This is not 
the place for disagreements or playing moderator of others. Take this sort of 
thing off this list. If you really do have issues that you seem not to be able 
to resolve, then I'm always available. caraqu...@caraquinn.com or 
modelc...@gmail.com However, I'm not your therapist or your referee. I moderate 
this list as a labor of love so to speak. I don't get paid for this and I do 
lead a busy life. so please bare this in mind. I may take a while to get back 
with you and I also may not offer the answers you think I should offer you.

Having said this though, know that I will honor what you have to say and I will 
listen. Whether or not we see eye-to-eye, I will hear what you have to say…

So having said all of this, Lew, make no mistake, your contributions here as 
well as every other listers' are something I value. -And whether you choose to 
stay or go is up to you. You certainly are welcome if you'd like to be here.

This goes for everyone. I'm not your parent and though I currently moderate 
this list, I'm also part of this list. I too am a lister as you all are. We 
work with the same technology here and we share in this list to benefit from 
the assistance and support of eachother. No one of us is any better than any 
other and we are all unique. We have different comfort levels with what we do 
and what we know. -And we're all here to help eachother. Yes?

Please bear this in mind when you post here. We're all equals here and we all 
have a right to contribute here.

Please respect eachother…

Thanks for reading and I wish you all a wonderful day / evening, wherever you 
may be!…


Cara :)
On May 6, 2012, at 1:02 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

Hello folks.

Sorry to write this message here but I am officially leaving the list. After 
yesterday's incident and the attitude of certain people on this list and my 
time spent trying to deal with the matter in the hope of DECENT resolution, I 
am leaving the list.

As an experienced, qualified engineer, I spend my time both on list and off 
list solving various problems relating to voiceover and OS X as well as 
hardware issues and I hope that my time and experience has been appreciated by 
those who I have assisted.

In relation to administrative support on this list, due to in some parts, the 
noted absence of the moderator, I have done my level best to resolve such 
issues both on and off list but from an email received this morning, the 
moderator clearly does not appreciate the support I have contributed nor the 
time placed in such matters.

If there are any members of this list who wish for my assistance off list, I 
may be reached off list at edwardredf...@sky.com as my direct work address

yours Sincerely.

Edward Lewis Redfern.

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