Hello group; I'm hoping for some general suggestions as well as some specific information. I'm considering adding pod casts to my site. I'm using a macbook 13 inch running regular leopard. How do I record the information so that it can be uploaded? what software do I need if any to set up the pod casts where people can listen to them or download them later. I'm assuming feed subscription is handled similarly to how it is done for my regular blog. Can pod casts help visibility of a site or drive new traffic? basically how hard is it? and then what kinds of things should be included in podcasts and which should be avoided? my goal is to promote my site and business with the hope of making more sales. I was thinking of interviews or possible a discussion group like on lioncourt; but i don't have the first clue how they manage that. do they use skype i wonder so that the conversation is recorded to their hard drive from there. I know i have my blog and email mailing lists, but many of my friends think i need a regular outlet that reaches everyone in my contacts and then some. I'll appreciate any help. I hope to hear from some of our experts soon. Thanks, max
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