On Sun, 2007-11-04 at 23:32 +0000, ext Graham Cobb wrote:
> We are currently porting GPE to chinook.  I am fairly confident I have 
> resolved the issues with changed libraries but there seem to be some HIldon 
> API changes and I am not a Hildon programmer.  We would appreciate any 
> pointers to documentation or other suggestions for making these changes.  I 
> haven't found much useful information on these changes using Google.
> There are three specific issues in GPE applications...
> 1) This must be the easiest: the code currently turns off capitalisation in a 
> hildon input window using:
> g_object_set (G_OBJECT (w), HILDON_AUTOCAP, FALSE, NULL);
> Is there an equivalent of this in Chinook?

Please see http://live.gnome.org/Maemo/Gtk210Migration#M24

In general it's a good idea to run hildon-audit in your code, it should
point out all these issues

See http://live.gnome.org/Hildon/TwoPointZero for a general overview of
the changes.

Btw, I think 2 out of 3 of your problems have been deprecated since Bora
at least :)

Cheers, Xan

> 2) hildon-app and hildon-appview seem to have gone away.  Any guide to 
> porting 
> that code to use hildon-program and hildon-window?
> 3) hildon-home-plugin seems to have disappeared.  I presume this mechanism 
> has 
> changed.  Any guide to how to port that code?
> By the way, if you have access to a device running chinook and would be 
> interested in helping test the GPE port, let me know.
> Graham
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