Thanks for the response Greg.  Actually I just figured it out.  But it looks
like I may be petitioning for a feature request or detail fix...

I was looking at the html source for one of the regular admin pages and I
noticed that the url for the form POST is a relative path
"../admin/somethingorother."  But the url for the page I was having trouble
with (the moderator requests one) is an absolute path starting with
http://servername/mailman/admindb/whatever.  This was the issue b/c I had
apache sending a redirect for any http://servername/mailman url to
https://servername/mailman (to run it over SSL).  The POST information was
getting lost in the redirect.

Does anyone else run mailman over https?  This worked great with the 2.0.x
Barry, can this be added as a configurable option?  Or could that path just
be made relative too?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Developers] Can't Approve/Reject/Discard from Admin

> On 30 October 2002, Rick Ennis said:
> > Hi...  I have a quick question.
> Sorry, I don't have any quick answers -- just more questions.
> > I just started playing with 2.1 yesterday (snagged 2.1b4+ from cvs) and
> > been searching the mailing lists all morning.  What I can't seem to
> > out is...  should the approve/reject/discard interface on the admin
> > be working (in this beta)?   I click one of the radio buttons followed
> > "submit all data" but it just reloads the same page.  Logging out and
> > in shows no change in the db state.
> Which web browser, and on which OS?  Which web server, and on which OS?
> What does your web server log say?  Anything weird like an HTTP proxy
> server in the way?  Have you tried running a packet tracer (I like
> ethereal myself) to the traffic between web browser and server to make
> sure it looks sane?
> > None of my files in the mailman/logs
> > directory have been updated, nor my /var/log/messages file.
> AFAIK Mailman does not use syslog, so /var/log/* should be irrelevant.
> Do look in ~mailman/data though -- that's where it stores pending
> messages.  When you approve/reject/discard a message, a file should
> disappear from that directory (I think).
> > Is this not
> > implemented yet or did I just do something brain-dead during the
> > installation?
>         Greg

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