Hi there,

I've picked up Patricks idea today and expanded the existing draft with
a few other things, you can find both on
it would be brilliant if you'd compare both and see what you'd like and
if there is still anything to improve.

Only one little explanation:
the colors in the mindmap show the ACL (at least in the role based one)
- description in the upper left corner.

Each item connected to the middle could be traded as a tab-like
e.g. http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/benste%27s+GSoc+2011+-+page
please bare in mind that these mockups don't represent any style ! -
(only wackys idea of a combobox changeing the lists - thanks)
the rest of the items are either heading or items,
atm. I've noted only the fields which are present in the REST API, e.g.
i didn't go into detail creating a new list as some values are readonly

Einen schönen Tag wünscht:
Benedict Stein

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