[Mailman-Developers] Re: Unable to create new thread in Local development Enviroment

2021-03-19 Thread Prashant Pandey
Abhilash Raj (maxking)
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[Mailman-Developers] Re: Unable to create new thread in Local development Enviroment

2021-03-19 Thread radha sati
Thanks, Abhilash Raj.
It worked for me!
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[Mailman-Developers] Re: Unable to create new thread in Local development Enviroment

2021-03-18 Thread Abhilash Raj

> On Mar 18, 2021, at 10:53 PM, Prashant Pandey  
> wrote:
> I want to solve Issue #347
>  in the hyperkitty.
> How can I test the thread if I needed some data to test?
> Is there any way that I can follow and create my local thread for testing
> new features?

When I want something to show up in my local Hyperkitty, what I do is just 
go and download archives from some other Hyperkitty and import it locally.

For example, you can go to archives of this very list at[1] and click the 
button on the bottom left. That will download an mbox file that is compressed,
make sure you decompress it to a .mbox file.

Then, you locally import the archive using 

$ python manage.py hyperkitty_import -l mailman-developers@python.org 

Then, you should have some threads and emails to look at and work on
the issues.

[1]: https://mail.python.org/archives/list/mailman-developers@python.org/2021/3/

Abhilash Raj (maxking)

Mailman-Developers mailing list -- mailman-developers@python.org
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[Mailman-Developers] Re: Unable to create new thread in Local development Enviroment

2021-03-18 Thread Prashant Pandey
I want to solve Issue #347
 in the hyperkitty.
How can I test the thread if I needed some data to test?
Is there any way that I can follow and create my local thread for testing
new features?
Mailman-Developers mailing list -- mailman-developers@python.org
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