At 11:02 PM 7/1/02 -0500, Glen Lee Edwards wrote:
>What does this mean, and what do I need to fix?  It started doing this 
>after I reconfigured eth1 for multiple IP addresses (may or may not be 
>Mailman.pythonlib.nntplib.NNTPPermanentError: 502 You have no permission 
>to talk.  Goodbye.

That last is the key part; it's from your nntp server.  It's telling you that you're 
allowed to talk to it.  Chances are your server is configured to accept certain 
and/or ip addresses, and now that you've added some vifs, your connection is going out 
one of those other ip addresses.  Get the server administrator to add the other ips, or
switch to username/password authentication with them.

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