On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 01:52:06PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> The solution, although hackish, is easy: subscribe all the addresses
> you plan on posting from.  Then set "nomail" for all addresses except
> the one(s) you want to receive list postings.
May I make a feature request for next time you change the db format?
have both nomail and post-only fields (and even bounce-disabled)

I'd to know which addresses were set  to nomail by the user, which ones were
set to nomail by mailman due to  a bounce, and which ones are post-only (the
post-only would be the most important one)
> This policy change will be considered experimental, and I intend on
> looking at it again in 3 months to evaluate how well it's working.
> The overriding principle though, is that this is /your/ list, so I
> want to do what makes the most sense for you guys.
post by members is fine with me.

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