[Mailman-Users] Program to Change List Real Name

2011-06-02 Thread UUN Hostmaster
Mailman Folks, Who do I convert these manual instructions into a program? bin/withlist bar m.real_name='bar' m.Lock() m.Save() m.Unlock() ^D Thanks. Jim -- Mailman-Users mailing

[Mailman-Users] Cannot Lock Mailing Lists

2011-06-02 Thread UUN Hostmaster
Mailman Gurus, I'm running Mailman 2.1.14 CPanel Version. When I try to update a mailing list with config_list or with_list, the program hangs. # ../bin/withlist fuustl-coffeehourchat_lists.firstuustlouis.org Loading list fuustl-coffeehourchat_lists.firstuustlouis.org (unlocked) The variable

Re: [Mailman-Users] Program to Change List Real Name

2011-06-02 Thread UUN Hostmaster
On 6/1/11 8:51 PM, UUN Hostmaster wrote: Mailman Folks, Who do I convert these manual instructions into a program? bin/withlist bar m.real_name='bar' m.Lock() m.Save() m.Unlock() ^D First of all, that is wrong. the m.Lock

Re: [Mailman-Users] Program to Change List Real Name

2011-06-02 Thread UUN Hostmaster
On 6/2/2011 2:13 PM, UUN Hostmaster wrote: Mark Sapiro wrote: I am migrating some Majordomo Mailing lists to a CPanel Mailman installation. So what are you really trying to accomplish? If you create the lists with cPanel's list create process (as opposed to Mailman's bin/newlist

[Mailman-Users] Outbox Flooded

2003-10-13 Thread Hostmaster
Red Hat 9.0 with Mailman using Postfix as the MTA, we've managed to flood the outbox (whatever that is) with thousands of accidental messages that resulted from a series of poor choices in the setup. A nasty situation is upon us, sending out countless unintened (and unwanted) messages in the

[Mailman-Users] Clear Cache

2003-10-08 Thread Hostmaster
On our maiden voyage, we were mass subscribing to our list when we realized it was sending the subscription message for each address. We decided we did not want this, so we stopped the MTA. Now, we have lots of unsent messages in the cache that we'd like to remove. Does anyone happen to know

[Mailman-Users] Initial Configuration

2003-09-18 Thread Hostmaster
I have apparently successfully installed Mailman on a Red Hat 9.x server but now am faced with initial configuration questions. I was able to set the password using /var/mailman/bin/mmsitepass but am not sure what I am suppose to edit in /var/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py for my site, or the

[Mailman-Users] Mailman and Apache suEXEC with Virtual Hosts

2003-09-11 Thread UUN Hostmaster
I searched all the archives and FAQ. Has anyone solved the problem of getting Mailman 2.1 to run in a Virtual Host with Apache 1.3 suEXEC? Would it work to create a second Name-Based VirtualHost (mailman.domain.tld) for each IP-Based Domain (www.domain.tld) with the VirtualHost User.Group

[Mailman-Users] RE: digest sent to list posting address, why?

2002-06-05 Thread hostmaster
hmm, well, if no ideas, can anyone confirm whether or not this is expected or unexpected behavior? would a list of related settings from the admin webgui be useful? tia, ~steven -Original Message- From: Steven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 7:28 PM To:

Re: [Mailman-Users] RE: digest sent to list posting address, why?

2002-06-05 Thread hostmaster
thanks for the idea chuq, but I'm fairly certain the the 'on belhalf of' is a result of mailman's Show member addrs so they're not directly recognizable as email addrs? feature under 'privacy options' which I do have set to 'yes' for the list in question. Full headers on the message in

Re: [Mailman-Users] RE: digest sent to list posting address, why?

2002-06-05 Thread hostmaster
DOH! I just compared those headers to another email. Delivered-to: uh, seems I subscribed that address to test the digest and promptly forgot I'd done so. I'll just go stand in the corner now. Thanks for listing, hope it provided some amusement at least. *sheepish grin* ~steven On Wed,

[Mailman-Users] remove email address from Mailman-Footer?

2002-05-31 Thread hostmaster
Hi, I've searched high and low and have either missed the answer to this during my search or it's very well hidden. How to I remove, hide or munge the list-owner's address from the Mailman-Footer to protect it from being scooped up by spambots? I'm speaking particularly of this phrase at the

[Mailman-Users] bin/newlist hangs after initial password entered

2002-05-27 Thread hostmaster
system: redhat 7.1 with all available updates for packages that I have installed. versions of related packages: mailman-2.0.11 Python 1.5.2 sendmail 8.11.6-2.7.1 apache 1.3.22-1.7.1 so, I've doubled checked all the steps in the INSTALL file and the related README files. When I run cd to