This leads me to a somehow related question : would the tag *Important* be transferred from one computer to the other (same account), when using an Exchange-based server? So far the only serious problem I have with MM, although it is not really a MM-specific problem, is that neither tags nor flags (only the defaut color remains, which is better than nothing…..) are maintained when I switch from one computer to the other. My recollection is that the colored mails in Thunderbird were maintained, which means it should be possible (at least I hope).

On 28 Sep 2016, at 13:14, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 24 Sep 2016, at 15:13, Olivier Bedouelle wrote:

how I did for add a tag mapped to the “Important” Gmail label ?

That's actually a good question. I looked into and this should work:

![]( "PastedImage.png")

The display name and the IMAP keyword could also have other values, but the “Gmail” label name must be exactly as I've shown in the screenshot.

For me, adding this tag automatically resynchronized the account.


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