I subscribed to Hey (https://www.hey.com/) for a year, as an experiment, but have decided to stick with MailMate + Fastmail and not renew my Hey subscription. I exported my Hey messages as a mail archive (.mbox file). The only export option Hey offers creates a single .mbox file, and I’m having trouble importing it into MailMate. I’m not sure why. When I try, MailMate pulls in approximately three weeks’ worth of messages (178 messages, to be precise), then stops. MailMate doesn’t hang or freeze entirely (I was able to compose this message, for example, though I could not send it until I’d restarted MailMate), but if I quit MailMate, the open window(s) close, but the program doesn’t fully quit; I have to use Force Quit.

Do any of you have any suggestions? I made a copy of the .mbox file and opened it with a text editor to confirm that it contains more than 178 messages; it appears to be complete. Is there a way to import the message archive into MailMate without trying to connect them with an existing IMAP account (that is, connected with no IMAP account)?

Thank you,

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