Thank you, Pete. In theory, I’m happy to edit replies inline, but I have never 
managed to do that in MailMate without discarding embedded HTML, which I 
typically don’t want to do (that may be my hang-up), as I do at work, where I’m 
required to use Outlook running on Windows. Am I missing something?



On 2023-07-19 at 09:00, wrote:

> On 18 Jul 2023, at 11:25, Topher Buck wrote:
> Hello.
> I’d like to change the format of replies to show
> From:
> Subject:
> Date:
> To:
> instead of the
> On [date] at [time] [name <address>] wrote:
> reply sentence. I have looked at 
> but don’t see anything 
> there that seems to answer my question.
> Is this possible?
> First let me say that it makes me cry that you want to do this, because it 
> means that you have eschewed inline editing of replies, which every 
> right-thinking email user should do. But since I am merely tilting at a 
> windmill, you want something like this:
> defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmReplyWroteString -string '> From: 
> ${from}\n> Subject:\n${subject}\n> Date: ${date}\n> To: ${to}'
> The only real problem I saw with the above is that a long Subject will end up 
> wrapping to the next line in a weird way. Perhaps there's some way to hack 
> around with that. But that will mostly get you what you want.
> 😢
> pr
> --
> Pete Resnick
> All connections to the world are tenuous at best
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