Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-11-08 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 8 Nov 2013, at 18:50, Ben Beuchler wrote:

The hard part about this has been knowing for sure that the mailbox
has stalled. Today I noticed that my phone was showing new mail for
the account but MailMate was not.  I opened the Activity Viewer.  The
account shows two threads in "LOGOUT" and one in "IDLE."  I'll send
screenshots to you directly.

The screenshots show that MailMate certainly thinks it is in the IDLE 
state. You previously wrote that MailMate did not even update if you 
chose to explicitly synchronize the mailbox. Here is something I would 
like to see: When this happens then open the Activity Viewer and select 
the IDLE connection. Then use the synchronize menu item in the Mailbox 
menu to synchronize the mailbox. What is the output in the Activity 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-11-08 Thread Torsten Grust

On 8 Nov 2013, at 18:51, Ben Beuchler wrote (with possible deletions):

Oh, and this event did not happen after a sleep/wake cycle.  I checked
my email, moved on to other work, then came back and it was stalled.

You are not alone.  Same phenomena here.  Hard to pin down.  It's not
an everyday problem but it is definitely recurring (for as long as
I am a [happy] Mailmate user).


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Ben Beuchler  
Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a 


So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or 


I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a 


Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
other folders are Connected.

Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see 
if there
is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX 
(it should

be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).

I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.


mailmate mailing list

| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-11-08 Thread Ben Beuchler
Oh, and this event did not happen after a sleep/wake cycle.  I checked
my email, moved on to other work, then came back and it was stalled.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Ben Beuchler  wrote:
>> Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep
>> cycle?
> So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
> laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or three
> times.
>> I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new
>> problem.
>> Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?
> I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
> other folders are Connected.
>> Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if there
>> is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX (it should
>> be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).
> I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.
> -Ben
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-11-08 Thread Ben Beuchler
The hard part about this has been knowing for sure that the mailbox
has stalled. Today I noticed that my phone was showing new mail for
the account but MailMate was not.  I opened the Activity Viewer.  The
account shows two threads in "LOGOUT" and one in "IDLE."  I'll send
screenshots to you directly.

The mail client on my phone is also using IMAP IDLE for the same
account and it is continuing to receive new mail.

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Ben Beuchler  wrote:
>> Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep
>> cycle?
> So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
> laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or three
> times.
>> I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new
>> problem.
>> Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?
> I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
> other folders are Connected.
>> Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if there
>> is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX (it should
>> be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).
> I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.
> -Ben
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-22 Thread Torsten Grust

I have seen this behavior since I'm using MailMate.  It just happens
so infrequently (about once a week, say) that I didn't bother too much.

Only a restart of MailMate will synchronize the IMAP mailboxes 



On 22 Oct 2013, at 1:31, Steve Mayer wrote (with possible deletions):
I've also not seen this behavior (when it wasn't related to an actual 
server side issue) with 1.7.

| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Steve Mayer
I've also not seen this behavior (when it wasn't related to an actual 
server side issue) with 1.7.

Steve Mayer

On 21 Oct 2013, at 16:30, Ralph Alvy wrote:

Hmmm … I actually don't think I have seen this problem with 1.7, not 
that I think of it.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 15:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Oct 2013, at 0:21, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an 
email arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before 
MailMate would get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

Note that 1.7 fixed a bug related to the “Connected” state 
(IDLE). From the release notes:

* Fixed: Bug with IMAP IDLE which could result in MailMate not 
detecting a broken connection.

Therefore, it is primarily of interest to get details about 
synchronization issues with 1.7.

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Ralph Alvy
Hmmm … I actually don't think I have seen this problem with 1.7, not 
that I think of it.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 15:25, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Oct 2013, at 0:21, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an 
email arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before 
MailMate would get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

Note that 1.7 fixed a bug related to the “Connected” state (IDLE). 
From the release notes:

* Fixed: Bug with IMAP IDLE which could result in MailMate not 
detecting a broken connection.

Therefore, it is primarily of interest to get details about 
synchronization issues with 1.7.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 22 Oct 2013, at 0:21, Ralph Alvy wrote:

I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an 
email arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before 
MailMate would get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

Note that 1.7 fixed a bug related to the “Connected” state (IDLE). 
From the release notes:

* Fixed: Bug with IMAP IDLE which could result in MailMate not detecting 
a broken connection.

Therefore, it is primarily of interest to get details about 
synchronization issues with 1.7.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Ralph Alvy
I too have been noticing it, before 1.7. I would typically see an email 
arrive on my handheld Android device many minutes before MailMate would 
get it. And my INBOX is Connected on MailMate.

On 21 Oct 2013, at 14:50, Alberto Caporro wrote:

Just as a side note, I also noticed a similar behaviour, but it was
definitely there BEFORE 1.7; I always thought it had something to do 
slow or unstable network connection in one of the places I work at, 

I've never been able to reach a firm conclusion.

It's not so frequent, so I never cared much and never looked at the 

but I'll do that in the coming days.


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Ben Beuchler  

Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a 


So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or 


I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a 


Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
other folders are Connected.

Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see 

is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX 


be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).

I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Alberto Caporro
Just as a side note, I also noticed a similar behaviour, but it was
definitely there BEFORE 1.7; I always thought it had something to do with
slow or unstable network connection in one of the places I work at, but
I've never been able to reach a firm conclusion.

It's not so frequent, so I never cared much and never looked at the log,
but I'll do that in the coming days.


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 11:19 PM, Ben Beuchler  wrote:

> > Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep
> > cycle?
> So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
> laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or three
> times.
> > I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new
> > problem.
> >
> > Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?
> I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
> other folders are Connected.
> > Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if
> there
> > is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX (it
> should
> > be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).
> I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.
> -Ben
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Ben Beuchler
> Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep
> cycle?

So far I haven't been able to identify a precipitating event; my
laptop hasn't gone to sleep all day and this has happened two or three

> I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new
> problem.
> Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

I have two accounts, the INBOX for both is in Connected state.  No
other folders are Connected.

> Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if there
> is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX (it should
> be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).

I'll try that tomorrow, thanks.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread MailMate

Just an FYI,

I also have noticed a lack of updating activity. Been too busy to focus 
in on it but do know that I now manually synchronize more often (where 
before I seldom did), and, I can do the sync and no new mail shows up (I 
know there is new mail) and then a little while later it does show up. I 
have not tried shutting down and restarting to get new mail. Just 
thought it was 'sluggish' until I saw Ben's email.

__*Richard Rettke*__
*Laus Deo*
*Non sibi sed patriae*

On 21 Oct 2013, at 16:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen 
|MailMate Freron Software/RER>Vendor>Software| wrote:

On 21 Oct 2013, at 22:53, Ben Beuchler wrote:

Since the new update came out, I've had problems with my IMAP
mailboxes no longer updating, even if I right click on the mailbox 

choose "Synchronize INBOX."  If I restart MailMate, the new messages
suddenly become visible.

Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep 

I haven't changed the config or the IMAP server.  The synchronization
schedule is set to "Connected" and the mailbox panel does not 

the mailbox is offline.

I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new 

Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

What can I do to gather more debugging information?

Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if 
there is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the 
INBOX (it should be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes 

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 21 Oct 2013, at 22:53, Ben Beuchler wrote:

Since the new update came out, I've had problems with my IMAP
mailboxes no longer updating, even if I right click on the mailbox and
choose "Synchronize INBOX."  If I restart MailMate, the new messages
suddenly become visible.

Do you have any idea when they stop updating? Maybe after a wake/sleep 

I haven't changed the config or the IMAP server.  The synchronization
schedule is set to "Connected" and the mailbox panel does not indicate
the mailbox is offline.

I have made changes to how this works in 1.7. It is likely to be a new 

Do you have more than the INBOX in the “Connected” state?

What can I do to gather more debugging information?

Keep the Activity Viewer open. When messages do not arrive then see if 
there is anything suspicious in the log for the connection to the INBOX 
(it should be in IDLE state -- bold font in the mailboxes outline).

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Mailbox stops updating

2013-10-21 Thread Ben Beuchler
Since the new update came out, I've had problems with my IMAP
mailboxes no longer updating, even if I right click on the mailbox and
choose "Synchronize INBOX."  If I restart MailMate, the new messages
suddenly become visible.

I haven't changed the config or the IMAP server.  The synchronization
schedule is set to "Connected" and the mailbox panel does not indicate
the mailbox is offline.

What can I do to gather more debugging information?

Version:  1.7(3790)

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