On 21/12/2019 01:51, Brad Slavin via mailop wrote:
It seems that AWS has found their way onto the UCEPROTECT Level 3 list.

Affected messages are being rejected with this banner:

550 Your ISP AMAZON-02 - Amazon.com <https://slack-redir.net/link?url=http%3A%2F%2FAmazon.com&v=3>, Inc., US/AS16509 is UCEPROTECT-Level3 listed for hosting a total of 10163 abusers.

Anyone using UCEPROTECT level 3 (or even level 2) to outright block mails doesn't intend to receive mails or has a very incompetent mail admin. This list is not intended to be used to block mails directly, but only to affect scoring with a very little increase in score. To be honest, using lists which list ranges instead of individual IPs to outright block spam is a sure way to generate false positives.

That said, I am not surprised AWS got into this list.

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