Making no apology whatsoever about top posting from my phone's mail client:

STOP with the niggles. Please, just stop.

"I'm getting 10000 unsolicited calendar invites from $provider every minute" seems to me a legitimate operational problem and one worth raising here, and/or directly with $provider.

"I don't like the way Google users do this one specific thing that makes me get occasional emails" and "I don't use my Google account very often and I don't like the security reminder they send"... yeah, those are not what mailop is for.

I'm genuinely disappointed that I'm having to say this *again* this week.

Any mailing list lives and dies by its' utility. If subscribers continue to bring small, personal issues to the fore here, the utility of the list will change and people will leave.

Don't kill it off, people.

Thanks. I'm off out for a curry so behave yourselves!


On 16 October 2021 16:27:10 yuv via mailop <> wrote:

On Tue, 2021-10-05 at 18:15 -0700, Brandon Long via mailop wrote:
larger providers are their own special targets.

Thank you for sharing with us the perspective of a Big service
provider, and how you deal with annoyances on that exa-scale.

We also see spammers try to use Gmail to spam other

I allow myself to draw your attention to two annoyances, to which
Google is at least a contributing factor if not the culprit, on a scale
that is sufficiently large to warrant some sort of filtering /
automation, or better, supression at the sender (Google).

(A) the calendar invite/reminder.  I understand the convenience, to
some, of emailed invite/reminders when a user creates a calendar entry
and adds contacts.  However, whether the meeting is legit or not, I
have not granted permission to the user to spam me with
invites/reminders; and I have not granted permission to Google to spam
me with a proposition to create a calendar on its system on every
reminder that I have not replied whether I will attend or not the
meeting.  I have my reasons not to reply to calendar invites / publish
my intention to attend.  I have my reasons to hate external reminders
with a passion.  And I have my reasons not to use Google's services.
At the very least, I would expect Google to offer an opt-out mechanism
per recipient (and, also per domain) that does not require the user to
create an account with Google.  And I would expect Google to accept no-
answer for an answer instead of repeating the invite/reminder multiple
times.  Even once is too many, i.e. spam.

(B) the "help us keep your account safe" reminder.  While in (A) Google
is merely a contributing factor, this one is all on Google.  It affects
Google Accounts that are associated with a third-party email address.
I must maintain one Google account for things that cannot be done
without Google Account.  It is a bare-minimum Google Account with need-
to-know information only.  When I log into it, it verifies my email
address by email me a six digits temporary code, so I can only log in
if I am in control of the email address associated with that account.
And yet, invariably, a day or two after I log into that account I get
the annoying "help us keep your account safe" reminder in which Google
asks me to click on an URL to confirm that I still have access to the
email address.  That reminder also keeps coming in regular, too
frequent intervals.  Once a year I could understand/tolerate, though a
user should be allowed to opt-out of the practice all together, without
requiring the user to deliver to Google any further information.

Thanks for your consideration.
Yuval Levy, JD, MBA, CFA
Ontario-licensed lawyer

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