
Am 13.10.2013 15:44, schrieb Maciej (Matchek) Bliziński:

> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6377#section-3.3
> It seems to be a fundamental problem with DKIM.

Unfortunately I can't turn it back on. As Maciej mentioned, modifing the
header and the body of the messages breaks DKIM and this leads to that
spam filter might classify legitimate mail as spam.

What you can do is, to filter the mail with Procmail. On
mail.opencsw.org edit .procmailrc in your home directory and add this
rule, before the last rule:

* ^List-Post: <mailto:maintainers@lists.opencsw.org>
| $DELIVER -m INBOX.opencsw.maintainers

This will put all the mails to the maintainers list into the
INBOX/opencsw/maintainers folder.


ih...@dogan.ch        http://blog.dogan.ch/

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