On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> I've given Craig Berry, Jan Dubois and Alexander Ciornii (aka chorny)
> commit access to the repo. Craig fixes things on VMS. Jan fixes things
> on Windows. Chorny stubbornly continues to send in feature patches
> that I forget to commit.

Hmm, why does this trigger some childhood memories of the Devil with the
3 Golden Hairs?

| Ever since that time the King, as a punishment for his sins, has had
| to ferry people backwards and forwards across that wide river and some
| say that he is ferrying there to this day. So if ever you go that way,
| be sure that you don't take the oar out of his hand, however much he
| tries to give it to you.

So yes, I'll do branches but won't touch the master one. :)


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