Emendations, etc.  for what the anagrammer hath written:

>Anyway, an example of a mistranslation. Lets take book four, line 117.
>West translates as "Aeneas and poor Dido are preparing to go hunting
>together". Well, the Latin word describing Dido is 'misera', which
>should surely be translated as 'lovesick' not 'poor'.

4.117: "Venatum Aeneas unaque miserrima Dido"

>Another example, although I will admit this is a bit petty, is book 4
>line 348 where West translates:
>"You are a Phoenician from Asia". The Latin word is Asia but what is
>meant is the area we now know as Lebanon, no?

4.348: "Phoenissam Libycaeque aspectus detinet urbis"

Bob White

Robert T. White
Shaker Heights HS/ Shaker Heights OH
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (old) [RIP as of 10/98]

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