Re: VIRGIL: Ohio Girls & Odysseus Comp Q

2004-10-01 Thread Robert T. White
BG scripsit: >I suggest Theodore Haecker's "Virgil: Father of the West". There's a good >chapter there about how Aeneas and Odysseus are quite dissimilar figures. >Also (the best part) explains (in ecstasy almost) how Aeneas is in fact most >similar to Abraham, the founder of the faith. >It's a 19

Re: VIRGIL: Ohio Girls & Odysseus Comp Q

2004-10-01 Thread fabio paolo barbieri
Is it allowed to promote oneself? I have written a study of the Aeneas in Latium legend, in which I argue for the fundamental difference of the Latin hero who was identified with the Greek Aineias, and Aineias himself. It is called GODS OF THE WEST I: INDIGES, and it is available for 18 euros

Re: VIRGIL: Ohio Girls & Odysseus Comp Q

2004-10-01 Thread smithsb
"Founder of the faith"? Which faith? Certainly not Aeneas's faith. Isn't this just the tired old T. S. Eliot/Warde Fowler school of the Judeo-Christian Aeneas? Shawn Smith ** Shawn Smith Assistant Professor of English Department of English and Modern La