
I have tried v14 lipg.dll and this is not compatible with current FDO.


libpq should be highly source and binary compatible, so if the libpq.dll
you're using is too old, you should be able to replace it with a newer
version and things should still work.

- Jackie

You wrote:

Hi List,
We have been using Mapguide (3.1.0) for a very long time with great
satisfaction with Oracle Spatial and PostgreSQL/PostGIS as datasource.
We would now like to connect to PostgreSQL version 14. This does not
seem technically possible since the version of the Postgre SQL client
(libpq.dll) used by Mapguide  is lower than 10. So I would like to
know if I could install a newer version of the postgre client with our
version 3.1 of Mapguide?
Thanks for your Help
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