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I wonder if the following might interest anybody on the list or anybody you 
know outside it.

It is a job offer, although an entirely voluntary one.

It is to compile the final section of the annual 'Chronicle' section in Imago 
Mundi: the International Journal for the History of Cartography.  This section 
lists 'Unusual items that have come up for sale' during the previous year.

I compiled this part of Chronicle for 30 years, up to 2001, after which Ashley 
Baynton-Williams took over until, last year, he had to hand it on to Kate 
Marshall (of Jonathan Potter Ltd). Kate has now decided to move on to other 
things; hence the vacancy.

I shall continue to compile the rest of 'Chronicle' but am looking for an 
editor for this, the sixth and final section, which runs to about five printed 
(double-column) pages. It appears once a year, in the July issue (Part 2) of 
the journal. It is a non-commercial listing of selected material found in 
auction and dealers' catalogues, and likely to be of interest to the research, 
rather more than the collecting, community.

It has always seemed to me that the most suitable candidate would be somebody 
who, in their line of normal work, already sees the major auction and dealers' 
catalogues, i.e. those that are likely to contain rare and important material. 
[This is the reason I gave it up on my retirement from the British Library in 

The work is really quite manageable. It is essential, though, that there is a 
good global coverage, which implies somebody with a wide-ranging interest 
across the subject. From my own experience, compiling this section is a 
valuable educational experience that enables the compiler to keep on top of the 
subject. In that resepct it is also useful in a business sense.

I would of course be only too happy to provide any help I could.

This record of significant material coming up for sale is now 40 years old.  
With online access now available for current and past volumes alike, a regular 
listing of 'Unusual items that have come up for sale' on a readily searchable 
database is of even greater research value. I hope that others will agree that 
it is vital that it should continue. 

If you think this might possibly be of interest to you, and if you do not have 
access to the journal [the last published version was in Vol. 63: 2 (2011), pp. 
253-8], I can easily send a copy via email.

Imago Mundi is the only international, interdisciplinary and scholarly journal 
solely devoted to the study of early maps in all their aspects. The editorial 
team (see the inside of each issue) is drawn from several countries and will be 
only too pleased to welcome you to their ranks.

Tony Campbell
Chairman, Imago Mundi Ltd

For further information please see:  [journal homepage] [information, subscriptions, sales 
and back issues - Routledge (Taylor & Francis/Informa)] [back issues via JSTOR subscription 
- in 'Arts & Sciences Complement']
MapHist: E-mail discussion group on the history of cartography
hosted by the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht.
The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of
Utrecht. The University of Utrecht does not take any responsibility for
the views of the author.
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