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Thank you so much for your prompt and full response. I will now try to
convince the Jerusalem Map collector community to give pride of place to the
de Lyra "map" as being the first printed imaginary map of Jerusalem, Nicolas
de Lyra Postilla, Nurenburg 1487. The first' "view" of Jerusalem is in Lucas
Brandon de Schass' Rudimentum Novitorum Lubeck, 1475. 



From: Jordan S. Penkower [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2011 1:06 PM
Cc:; 'Rubin Ayelet'
Subject: Re: Emailing: DEL_LYRA_BIBLE_V3_00006.jpg


Dear Dr Moldovan,


Prof. Gruber has forwarded to me your query.


i have examined all the extant manuscripts of Rashi on Ezekiel [60 plus]

(see my article in Iyyunei Miqra UFarshanut, vol. 7).


i have also printed for the first time in my edition of Rashi on Ezekiel
[published in Miqraot Gedolot HaKeter, Ezekiel],

the two diagrams that Rashi included in his commentary on Ezekiel.

i have also included there (for the first time) the diagram that Rashi
referred to in his Responsa on Ezekiel.


you can find these diagrams at the end of the volume of Miqraot Gedolot
HaKeter, Ezekiel.


you will see from there, that the diagram in de Lyra's Postillae is NOT a
copy of any of Rashi's diagrams.


(i am also not so sure if de Lyra himself drew the diagram, which was surely
drawn by an accomplished artist).


with best wishes,


Jordan Penkower

[Prof., Dept. of Bible, Bar-Ilan University]


----- Original Message ----- 



Cc: ; 'Rubin <>  Ayelet' 

Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 8:17 PM

Subject: Emailing: DEL_LYRA_BIBLE_V3_00006.jpg



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Prof. Gruber, 


In your article, "Light on Rashi's diagrams" (Solomon Goldman lectures) pg.
77 you list as one of Rashi's six maps "5. Jerusalem in the days of the
third temple (Ezek. 45:7)", without  a reference. Attached you will find a
map of Jerusalem from my copy of the 1489 Venice, Nicolas de Lyra Postilla.


I have been trying to find a Rashi scholar who has seen enough Rashi
manuscripts to tell me if the Jerusalem map is a copy of a Rashi map or made
by de Lyra after the description in Ezekiel?     Thank you for your time.


Alfred Moldovan, MD

444 Central Park West

New York, NY 10025

Tel. 212.865.2828

Fax: 212.865.3111 


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