In order to produce high quality raster backdrop from vector data you can use the following approach.
1. Print your vector data from MapInfo (layout or mapper) to a postscript device (you can obtain postscript drivers and postscript definition file for free from adobe, hp drivers are also good for this approach if your original maps were designed for D, E size prints)
2. Using PhotoShop (or any other software that can rasterize ps file correctly) rasterize the resulting ps file at the required resolution while keeping a 1:1 ratio for the layout size you set in step 1. You'll have to make compromises - file size - resolution - quality require. Uncompress tif output is a safe bet as an output rater format.
3. To register the results use MapInfo. (you don't need fancy raster registration software if you put a grid/graticule in your vector map before print/output to ps (step1).
4. Keep in mind file sizes will be large and processing might be slow.
5. Any other questions feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Jacques Gelinas
221 Chemin Freeman
Bureau 200
Hull (Québec)
J8Z 2A8
Dear listmembers,

I am relatively new to MapInfo and me and the organization I work for are facing the problem of trying to create a registered raster image file from a vector background map. We cannot use  the vector map because of copyright reasons. We have already tried the save window as an image file and then to register the image file again. This works okay, but if you view the image in MapInfo and you zoom in the view gets really distorted, because of the low resolution.

I wonder if there is a way to increase the resolution in MapInfo or whether there are tools for creating a registerd raster image from vector maps. Thanks in advance for helping me with this problem.

Yours sincerely,

Jasper de Fockert

Jasper de  Fockert
New Map of the Netherlands
Postbus 30833
2500 GV Den Haag
tel:  070-3028498
fax: 070-3625017

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