Am making good progress on my project so far, thanks in no small part to
the help I've received from this list.  For the next phase of the project,
I need to do some statistical analysis, and I wanted to see how much I
should expect to do in MI/MB.  I'd like to do everything in an MI/MB
interactive session, if possible, because I use MI up front to collect data
and MI at the end for output display.  Would be nice to have one complete
package.  Here's what I need to do (after I use MI/MB to collect the data):

1.  Determine a statistical distribution (e.g. Normal, Weibul) that best
fits a given data set.  I do this now visually in Excel by plotting the
data against known distributions and selecting one that seems to fit well. 
I can then do a goodness of fit test, just to make sure the fit is
statistically reasonable.  Are there any functions available for MB that
will allow me to: a) plot data in a simple x-y (scatter or line) chart and
b) allow interactive adjustment of distribution parameters (e.g. mean,

2.  Are there statistical functions available for MB that will return the
CDF or PDF for a known distribution?  I'm thinking here of the equivalent
of the WEIBUL, EXPONDIST and NORMSINV functions (and others)  in Excel.

If the collective wisdom of the group says that this would be too hard to
do in one package, I'll use MI/MB to collect the data, switch to Excel to
do the statistical work and import the results back into MI/MB to produce
the output.

Thanks for any comments or suggestions,
Steve Riese

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