We have lost the higher ed market to one vender now we are loosing an even more group powerful group. Lack of diversity kills innovation.
On the other hand what a brilliant marketing ploy. If one can just delay immediate $ gratification for a few years the $ harvest in a few years will be bountiful and more important ongoing.
Hi Jeroen,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.  I have been an avid MapInfo user,
now a Vertical Mapper and Virtual Frontier user since January 1996.  The
bad news is that the Ontario, Nova Scotia and probably a few other
governments have ESRI software in all schools that teach geography in
High School (K-12 program).  This means that universities which used to
use MapInfo such as the one I went to switch to ESRI to stay consistent
with the high school curriculum without even realizing the full
potential of MapInfo.  The head of the geography Department where I went
to university said the initial price of Akeview was cheap but 3D
"Anal-yst" and Spatial "Anal-yst" was very expensive.

Now I now a lot of limitations of MapInfo, but hey it's way easier to
learn and be productive on and that's what counts in the end.

Stan Johnston

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