Hello Gabor,

> I have a 2m contour map that is attributed with height.
> What query can I run so that I only select the 10, 20, ,,, N contours.
> Ie show a map with a 10m contour interval.
> I do not want to write a query that spells out all my contour
> heights such as
> select where contour = 10m or 20m or 30m etc. there could be a
> lot of intervals.

If your elevation data field is an integer, try using the MODulo operator.
Your SQL "where" clause should be something like:

Elevation mod 10 = 0

This will only select records where the elevation field is divisible by ten
with no remainder. ie. the result you require.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd, U.K.

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