Thanks to Bruce Napier and Laurent Frilleux for your prompt 
responses to my problem. Should anyone wish to do this in the 
future, these methods work:

1) Just add an extra column (integer) to your table using table - 
maintenance - table structure. 

Then use table - update column choose your table and your new 
column, get value from the same table. The value you add is 
RowID. This will update the column as you have asked.

2) In the mapbasic window type:
update table_name set column_name=rowid

Thanks again, Dave

On 27 Jun 00, at 9:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a number of polygons, well, over 200 actually.  Their names 
are featured in the browser in one column and I would like to 
update another with an incrementing number, 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc, so 
that each polygon has an individual ID ranging from 1 - 237. Is it 
possible to do this and if so how? Its probably possible with an 
SQL but I am unfamiliar with these...I've tried to edit the .dat file 
(but get a screwy output) and apend from other files but I can only 
append rows, not columns...Manual keying will take an age and I 
want to avoid that if I can.

TIA, Dave
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