Hi Tim,

Try saving the table with a new name and then try modeling this new table in
stead of the other.

It's not quite this error I have in mind, but VM has trouble using data from
other sources but MapInfos own DAT file, so if your datafile is fore
instance a TXT or XLS, then you usely get an error more or less like this
one you mention here.

Peter Horsbøll Møller 
GIS Developer 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Tim.Nuteson
Sent: 13-03-03 17:13
Subject: MI-L Vertical Mapper Error 503

I am trying to use the modeling functions of VM and am constantly
the error "Error in Mapinfo File Access Library -- Extended Error Value
503".  I have searched the MI-L archives; there is no help for me there,
just a lot of questions and very few answers.
I am using VM 2.0, but I see plenty of these MFAL errors in the archives
from VM 3.0 users too.  I will upgrade to 3.0, but will it help?  Are
users out there who have had this problem fixed by upgrading VM?  
I am using VM 2.00 and MI 6.5 on NT 4.0 sp6.  My point tables are in
NAD83, though changing them to UTM made no difference.  
Any help appreciated, will sum.
Tim Nuteson
Target Corporation

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